Dmytro Tyshchenko
Daily porn usage was similar for married and unmarried respondents and was roughly consistent across income and education levels, the survey found.
Harmony Video
The Cathedral of the Holy Resurrection stands over the city center of Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, formerly the city of Stanisławów in Poland, where...
Joe Raedle
Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw holds a photograph of the rifle and other items found near where a suspect was discovered during a press conference...
Years ago, I said something to my 11-year-old son which he found to be unsympathetic. His response? “I don’t think that is what a real parent would say to her child.” I have no idea how he came up...
Sunday Gospel Jesus and his disciples set outfor the villages of Caesarea Philippi.Along the way he asked his disciples,“Who do people say that I am?”They said in reply,“John the Baptist, others...
Navigating our spiritual journey often involves conversations with others who have faced similar experiences. For me, having Catholic friends, family, and advisors has been crucial in discovering...
I keep an ever-growing list of jokes on my phone. It is a holdover from when I was a youth minister. Whenever I hear a good one, I write it down and keep it for later. You never know when you’ll need...
_________________________________ The “Sharing the Faith” Life Teen Blog series features testimonies of core members who find creative ways to live out the Gospel in their unique vocational fields. __
JESUS. IS. HERE. There was no need for His introduction, nor hype from the emcees. Expectations were left at the door after the first ten minutes of the opening session at the 10th National...